Sunday, December 31, 2017

Wood Roofs in Cumming Georgia

Wood Roofs in Cumming Georgia

Cumming roof repairModern roofing designs these days are overwhelming. Choices are vast, and we can find a lot of variations and combinations in advertisements. In such situation, you shouldn’t be confused what roof will fit your houses. You may want to ask for the help of cumming commercial roofing companies. Wood roofing has a natural beauty that can boost the appearance of a home. Redwood, cedar and cypress pine shakes and shingles are the top choices we have on the market today. Shakes and shingles both have distinct characteristics. Shingles are processed and cut by machine. Its appearance has a smooth surface and clean edges. The shakes are cut manually from wood blocks and have a rustic design. Shakes are thicker than shingle and costs higher too.

roof repair CummingBenefits and Drawback

The rustic designed shakes and neat shingles pose overwhelming beauty of natural wood. These roofing products contain oils that protect it from insects and moisture. Treated wood shingles and have a class A fire resistance rating. Wood shakes can last ten years more than asphalt proven by roofing specialists cumming. It is one of its characteristics that made it more costly than asphalt shingles. Wood has a natural insulation two times than shingles made from asphalt. Wood shingles and shakes are made from fallen trees. It includes old trees and fallen by harsh weather conditions. It could be recyclable and turn it into wood chips, mulch or fertilizer. Wood shakes boost architectural designs like cottage and bungalow as well as the wood shingles.

Non-treated wood roofing is categorized as Class C in fire resistance. Treated wood shakes and cedar shingles are more expensive. Wildfire prone areas prohibit wood roofing installation. Construction department must be contacted to prevent the installation issue. Non-treated wood shingles and shakes require high maintenance. It needs frequent cleaning to address the growth of algae in it. Wood can breathe comfortably if it is free of debris. Water leaks in wood roof usually occur on defective roofing. Wood is tough solid but the remedies are expensive, so it is advisable to hire the expert in home roof repair cumming and stay within the roofing protocols.

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