Techniques for Wood Shakes Roofing
Wood Shakes are normally made from red cedar, which has an exceptional strength against deterioration from insects and water. It is installed from the bottom edge up to the ridge. It is necessary to put two layers of roofing felt because shakes do not seal down. Alternate the top layer with rows of shakes to make the roof watertight.
- Repair the Roof Deck – roofing specialists Cumming typically cover the deck with roofing felt before installing the shakes. The standard pattern for stapling is every 6 inches on edges and in the plane its every 12 inches. Apply the pattern to the entire roof then staple a folded extra piece of felt over the ridge.
Second Layer of Roofing Felt – For the second layer, the roofing experts use “interlayment.” Cut the 36 inches wide felt into two through the perforated center line. Align the new pieces of felt along the existing lap line pieces which are 10 inches from the bottom. Staple the top edge first to make the bottom edges free for slipping the shakes beneath the felt.
- Starter – Cumming commercial roofing companies install the starter course shingles with a ½ inch side overhang and between each shingle put ¼ inch expansion gap. Use two staples per shingle. The starter course will be covered by the second course of shingles.
- Felt Layers and Shakes – The top of every course of shakes slips beneath a layer of felt “interlayment” for a watertight roofing. 24 inches is the standard length of shakes, but the width varies from 2 to 12 inches. Keep in mind to leave a ¼ inch gap between shakes for each course.
- Straight up the Rows – Make the rows even, use the bottom edge of interlayment felt beneath the former course to align the bottom of the shakes. Check the gaps in the previous course to see the edge. From the bottom of the former shakes rows, it should measure 10 inches up.
- Ridge – The shakes maybe longer than the remaining space when reaching the top of the roof. Trim the top edges of shakes using a circular saw and install the uppermost layer. Home roof repair Cumming use inverted “V” ridge shakes that is fit on the very top. Install the ridge shakes overlapping the previous one, from each end to the middle.
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